Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Friday, January 8, 2016

Christmas in Antofagasta

Story 11 - ADRIANA'S VISIT to our apartment the SAT. after CHRISTMAS

      We told about this in an earlier email, but these are delightful two ladies (abt 5 years younger than we are). Aadriana came to bring us each a Christmas gift. They came me a lovely scarf and to George a stone small statue from the head from Easter Island. I am sure they gave away something that belonged to them. Adrianna stayed and stayed. We talked and talked. We had earlier had plans to go shopping, but decided visiting with her was more important. She has no husband, no children, and has never married. We offered her a drink, and then made lunch. She asked for (oil) Aceite and (lemon) Limon.  She then proceeded to make a dip in a dish of (oil and lemon juice) to dip the caulifour peices into. She was grinning ear to ear and told us how good it was. We tried it and agreed, but may not make it again. Chilean's have their own food styles. We loved her visit, and particularly the phone call to her sister  Anna Maria when she closed the call with "I'll Love You Forever". We had never heard this ending to a phone call. it is usually "Chow." It was really touching and the words she spoke to her sister keep ringing in our ears: "I'll Love You Forever." Since Christmas is all about love, we had a very special Saturday with her which was much better than going shopping.

Story 15  - VISITING ANDRIANA and sister ANNA MARIA'S HOME Decorations.

  They both wanted us to come and see their Christmas decorations. We came following the Sunday "band and dancers parade". They were SO excited that we had come to see their decorations. They had saved things for 50 years and also from their mother's things, and it was like a Christmas Museum. We loved every minute we spent in their (small) little house. It was decorated to the hilt!  They had to tell us about every little thing, and we had such a delightful hour and George took photos. They are such lovely and loving sisters. Adriana was baptized in Marc of this year, worked with and taught by Elder Harris who was an earlier office missionary.  These two ladies and their home will be a lasting memory.

 Christmas morning in our apartment.  Thanks for all of the gifts.  Also a picture of Margaret's creative Christmas Tree made from empty milk cartons that she had


     When we arrived here  May 29, 2015 and bought milk, it came in blue boxes with yellow ends, etc. called SOPPROLE,  Somehow, looking at those boxes they looked like big bricks, so I thought IF save them (the boxes), by December I can build us a Christmas tree.  I rinsed them out and saved them one by one in a large box, and Christmas morning I built the TREE. We had opened our gifts from all of you at mid night (Chilean tradition) and then put the bows, cards, things you sent, wrapping paper, etc. to decorate the tree. It was really a FUN Christmas morning, and then to top it off we got to talk on the phone to all of our children and most of the grandchildren. Thank you one and all for all of the things you sent us!


     The day after Christmas  our dear friend Claudio came to see us with his two daughters. We had never met Francisca, but had heard about her. She was born of a different mother, and when at Claudio's home he  had showed us a little photo album that Francisca had made for her father. Francisca lives in Santiago and is studying ballet. We were so pleased to meet her, and gave her the little BOOKLET from the church that you can write in your family hames, short stories. Gabriella and Francisca were so loving to each other (12 years apart in age). Claudio was married to neither of their two mothers. He brought us a Chilean fruit cake that we so enjoyed. You have seen earlier photos of Claudio and Monica (Gabriella's mother). They had one lesson with the missionaries, but then said they were too busy for more - but that means don't come again now. We have maintained the friendship and they will have more lessons, but not just yet.


       Several months ago we met at the Vega (Vegetable Market) a man, his wife who was expecting a baby and their son age 4 who were selling vegetables. He called us Mormons, and in the course of the conversation thought he must be a baptized member that was just inactive We invited them over for dinner with two elders from the office, as they lived in their area. Come to find out he was from Peru and after his father died when he was age 4, he was raised in an orphanage that was operated by our church, that also had a school. The elders worked with them but finally gave up and quit going to them as they were not progressing. George called them up this past week, she had how had her baby, and invited them again to come to dinner on New Years day. The elders had now changed so we had the new elders come to meet them, in hopes they would still stay in contact with this family as we do think they will at some point come to know the church is really true. He told us at this dinner that when at the Mormon school in Peru he learned French, Italian, Portugese and how to play the piano., and he also speaks some English, enough that we understand him. Plus he said he also plays the guitar. He said he twas really grateful for this Mormon heritage that was given to him when he grew  up.  The photo is here of of the family and the elders, and one of their NEW baby girl born on Dec. 23.   We  as an adult missionary couple do not DROP contacts, we continue to stay in touch with them, to stay interested in them, and call them, and stop by to see them, even when they are not progressing. The young elders cannot do this as their goal is to baptize, so they drop families or individuals who are not progressing. We will have to tell you what happens to Carlos, Marsetta, little Peter and the new baby Miae, in future stories.

Marseta and Carlos Calderon with their son Peter.  Elders Morales, Spanbauer and Maki from left to right.  Elder Morales and Spanbauer are new to the office
The brand new baby born on December 23 of Carlos and Marseta.  The named her Miae.
 Carlos and Marseta's boy Peter, who I entertained with my magic tricks while the elders taught his parents.

 Margaret and I with Mercy's dog
Story 12 - MERCY and her DOG, VISIT at our HOME CHRISTMAS EVE

    We met Mercy at the hair cutting shop. She gave George a hair cut (Sanchez Hair cut) and then he went to another lady, but I used Mercy to cut my hair. We also had her (Mercy) over to  dinner several months ago. She came and the missionaries came, and she acted very interested, but then did not want any more lessons. We still kept our friendship and invited her to church things, even though she has never come to anything. Then to our surprise she showed up at our door on Christmas eve at 10 pm with her dog. I had told her earlier that I wanted to meet her dog. He was adorable, a client who Mercy had cut their hair gave the puppy to her. He is her pride and joy. After the short visit (see the photo) she left saying she was going to return and BRING us some food to eat. We waiting and waited and she never came. Then came a knock on the door at 11:30 pm, and here was Mercy and a friend, and two dishes of food, and Mercy was holding her dog and crying. In broken Spanish she said they had come to the elevator door and it opened and the dog ran in and the door of the elevator SHUT and she went into hysterics. The office desk had a computer that showed the insides of the elevator so they found the dog. But she thought the dog was gone forever.

 Mercy Estrella came to see us for Christmas but lost her dog in the elevator.  She is the one who cut my hair as well as Margarets.  She is from the Dominican Republic and is working in Antofagasta.  We are trying to get her to go to Church with us.  She has had the missionaries give her one lesson.

              DINNER at Rodolpho's and Martha's lovely Condo with other Guests

      We were invited to the home of Rodolfo and Martha for a New Years Eve dinner. He picked us up at 9:30 PM.  The dinner was probably served at 10:30 PM. Before he came we found Auld Lang Syne on the Internet and wanted to teach the chorus to them (at the party) as what the American tradition is. So we got the Spanish translation to the song and learned the Spanish words to the tune by singing it over and over along with the ukelele.   Then after arriving we were waiting for the other guests to arrive and told them we had a SONG to teach them. Come to find out the TUNE of that song is what they sing at all of the graduations (high school and universities) but using new Spanish words. They played the tune to us with the bag pipes. This song was written in Scotland by Robert Burns. Therefore we did not sing the song (we had for them), but at least George and I did sing the song in our apartment. "A cup of kindness will go a long way in 2016."
    The News Years Eve DINNER was fantastic. The meat was probably more like filet mignon, but it was cut round, and the brother-in-law who cooked it lined the sides with bacon and then he barbecued it. The meat cuts were thick, then they also served white rice, and a salad made of broccoli with bacon pieces, and other little pieces of things, but the broccoli was raw and cut in larger pieces. They had two very large bowls of it, but no bread or rolls were served. They also had several bottles of different drink choices, and asked us again why we did not drink wine.
       They always call us  "the missionaries",  when they introduced us, but call us  George and Margaret in private". We asked them where they got the broccoli we as had FOUND none at the Vega Market this past week and none in the grocery stores. They said that broccoli is so popular at New Years that is is all sold out fast. They went early in the morning to the Vega Market to get what they had. We took a red fruit drink and a fruit plate. They served a creamy pudding with fruit and cream topping, plus our fruit plate for dessert.
     People like fancy colored hats with streamers that light up, and face eye masks in bright colors. At  11:30 we went to the TOP of the building and  counted down the minutes to mid night. Then we watched the fire works (similar to our 4th of July fireworks) that started right at 12 midnight. They said they had about 3 of these stationed in the North, middle where we were, and in the South since Antofagasta is SO long on the coast. The fireworks were shot off from the top of the  mountain right behind Antofagasta (to the east), no chance of fires because there is NOTHING growing on the mountains, remember there is no rain to water whatever even could grow. The other thing that was so interesting were (LITTLE FIRE BAGS) similar to a hot air balloon, that people purchase and shoot up into the air. They were all over the sky and you could see the (fire burning) inside of the bags. Then I guess the fires finally go out. Also we could see FIRES burning here and there as it is a tradition to get an old tire, and throw in things you don't want any more and build a fire on New Years (sort of getting rid of whatever clothes, etc.).  We asked if they have new years resolutions traditions, but not like in USA.
            Then at midnight they poured drinks like (7 up) probably because we were there, and put white sherbet in them in TALL goblets and people all made a TOAST to each other. The guests (about 14 of us)  were individually going around and hugging everyone and wishing them Happy New Year.
           We did not get back home until 1:30 AM as we stayed to help with the dishes, etc. People were walking all over the streets at this hour and we asked if they ever go to bed. Yes, they do but it is around 5 or 6 am in the morning. That is the account of a NEW YEAR event in Antofagasta, Chile. We thoroughly enjoyed it, even if we did not get to bed until 2 am. We thought of taking our PUZZEL over, but that would not work in Chile. We will have to do the one Laura sent us today at our apartment.

Our New Years dinner with our investigators.  Martha on the left, Rodolfo on the right - and their family:

 My tomato plant is doing well.  I now have four pots having tomatoes.  Where are the bees to Pollinate?
 Wilson, Ideide, and their children Ricardo and Paquena.  We had a Christmas family home evening with them.  They are a lovely couple and indicated a desire to go to church with us.  Unfortunately it is the summer season here, families go on vacation, and children are out of school.

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