Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Big Brazillian Dinner and Bug Bites

 DEAR FAMILY  (News from Saturday Feb 13 to  Tuesday Feb 23, 2016)

The days just seem to literally FLY by. We keep very busy however, but we are older and we do get tired by the end of our long days. But we have had some interesting experiences over the past eleven days. I do hope that our children and grandchildren are reading these stories and looking at the photos we send as these accounts really have some worth. During the past while we loved talking  to Laura about what is going on in Centerville, to Stephanie about her new baby and the boys, to David about sports and family news,  to Merrill about his work and he talked in church last Sunday, to Hannah about her mission preparations she is SO excited, Ethan about his piano solo he is working on, Jonathan with news that Kristin made it into BYU, Jennifer about her teaching the health classes at the high school every day, James about his trip with the band, Bryan and Lisa about the snow finally melting in Virginia, Julie about what is going on with her life. Sorry we did not get to talk to anyone else. We are four hours ahead and it makes it hard can't call anyone in the mornings, and in the evenings sometimes we are not at home.

STORY 76 WARD BAPTISM A YOUNG COUPLE (Baptism at our Ward Sat. Feb. 20, 2016)   We went to the ward because they had announced a High Priest dinner, but that got cancelled and a baptism was going to take place in a half hour, so we stayed.  It was really nice. This young couple, living together earlier started the lessons in October. Then they got married in January and were baptized in February. It is amazing how they come in jeans and tee shirts to do this event. But when dressed in white they look so beautiful. You can always see the LIGHT in their eyes of happiness. Then on Sunday they were confirmed. George was surprised as they called him up out of the audience to assist with both of them. This couple still wore their jeans (holes in them) to church. What is amazing is that within a few weeks they will start wearing better pants and perhaps a skirt.

A recent baptism in the Origenes Ward.  Elder Monsalve baptized Sylvia and Candido.  His companion Elder Wild is in his suit.  He is from Fort Collins, Colorado

STORY 73  ONLY ONE NINE YEAR OLD SAID HE WOULD READ B of M (Feb. 13, 2016)  We have the camioneta (truck) on the weekends. Diana had called and invited us to come to their home, but when we arrived we sort of felt like they had forgotten we were coming. We were surprised that the FAD here is now to cut half of your heads hair shaved clear off and the other half is regular. Diana had done this. We did not get a photo, as we did not want her to think we were making a big deal out of it. But to us it was awful. She is such a pretty young woman, and to do this was beyond belief. We sat down at the oblong table and wanted to read the Book of Enos with them. Two of Diana's younger cousins were there too, Alexander age 12 and Benjamin age 9. We had brought some Books of Mormons so each had a copy to read from. We went around the table with everyone taking turns. The little 9 year old was so adorable and he also read very well. Afterwards, we asked WHO would read this coming week something in the Book of Mormon every day. ONLY the little 9 year old would commit to this. George took his photo.

 We stopped over to see the Leyton family and read the. Book of Mormon with them.  Benjamin. Was a really good reader of. The Book of Mormon, so we took his picture.
STORY 74 BIG FAMILY BRAZILIAN DINNER (Valetines Day Dinner Feb 14, 2016)  We had been invited to the home of Rodolfo and Martha for dinner. We took some apple drinks and some Brownie Gifts for Martha and Maria (but Maria did not come). When we got there it was a BIGGER affair than we had realized. Martha's mother had prepared BRAZLIAN black beans especially for us. They were cooked with bacon and onions, and were really delicious. Spencer must know about this kind of beans. Then we visited and played the game from ISRAEL  (dem dem dino sucka lucka tino) where we had everyone put out their fists and George went around and knocked them out on at a time. They all enjoyed it. We couldn't discuss religion at this time, but the TAC word always comes up No Tea, No Alcohol, No Coffee at the dinner table.

 Guga, Magdalena Beto and their boy Ephraim. Dinner at Martha's and Rodolfos.
 Abel from Spain, and Jenno, Rodolfo's sister.  Active in the Evangelical Church.
 Margaret Helping Rodolfo learn English, cursive and small and large print.
 The group who came to dinner.  It was a lovely dinner and we enjoyed being there.

Martha and her Nephew.
Maria, the mother. In the center with her two daughters.  Magdelena to her right and Martha to her left.

We took Elder Wild and Elder Monsalve to meet some of our new contacts.  Ideide is to the left, her sister Claire is to her left, then Elder Wild and Elder Monsalve.

 Pizza That Idiede served us.
 Ideide served us some pizza and some dessert she had made.  They plan to go to church with us this Sunday.  They are a special family.

STORY 77 THE  NAME and BLESSING a CHILD (Blessing a Young Child  Sun. Feb. 21, 2016) At the ward on this Sunday was the two confirmations (talked about in story 76) and also giving a name and a blessing to a young child about age 1. Here again to George's surprise they called him up out of the audience to come and help in the circle. It was really special. The parents here do not dress the children up for the blessings, they just wear ordinary clothing. However, the Chilean babies and young children are so beautiful that they do not need expensive clothing. They all have the darker skin, the dark eyes and dark hair. I told George I think if they lined them all up in the same clothing I would think they all look alike.

STORY 78 TAKING CHURCH PROGRAMS TO TWO HOMES (After Church Sun Feb. 21, 2016)  We left the church and drove up the big hill to the place where Claudio and Idedie (another family) both live. We had brought left over church programs to put in their mail boxes to tell them we had stopped by. We did find Claudio home, but he and his wife were having a deep discussion just inside the door so we didn't want to bother them, and just left the program on the front seat of the car since the door was open. Then we put the other program in the mail box. What you have to realize is that this is a GATED place, you cannot just go down to some of the homes. You have to call and someone will open the gate.  Then after we got back home Idedie called George on the phone and said for us to come back over at 6 PM.

STORY 79  THEN DRIVING to FINDING A HOME IN THE NORTH (Driving to the North Sun Feb 21, 2016) It is utterly amazing to me that it is so hard to get people to want to be interested in the church. We had met this family at the Food Court two weeks ago, the wife was a member (baptized at age 8) and the husband and three children. She told George she wanted her children to be baptized into our church, even though she was inactive.  We sent the missionaries to their place as we could not find it, and when they arrived they opened the door a crack and said they did not want them to come in. Therefore, we got the missionaries  (picked them up) and they showed us where the house was. We left a note as no one answered. Then these missionaries showed us the way at the TOP of the hill where they had some families interested in the church,  (the poorest peoples homes),these missionaries told us that this a r e a  where they had been serving had not had a baptism for a full year NONE. We are literally shocked at this, something has to be wrong in how the missionaries are teaching. We are going to have to come up with another plan of dealing with our investigators to get them interested in what we have to tell them.

STORY 80 FINALLY SOMEONE WANTS to READ the BOOK of MORMON  (Still Sunday now for the 6 PM Appointment Feb 21, 2016) This was an amazing story. I had not been feeling too well, so told George to go without me. He was going to pick up the Two sister missionaries to take them to Idedie's home. We had also arranged for the Two elders to go to as the sisters only spoke Spanish, and George could not communicate too well with them. Then when he arrived with the car to pick them up they said they could not ride in a car with a male man, unless his wife was with him. So instead he could only take the two elders, and the sister missionaries could not go. The problem here is that the place Idedie lives is the sister missionaries a r e a.  But the three elders went and to their surprise Idedie's sister was at the home visiting and they gave her the lessons (as Idedie was fixing food for everyone) and she was so willing to open and started to read the Book of Mormon. They all plan to go back this next Saturday. This family all came about because WE OPENED our mouths and introduced ourselves to the lady at the birthday party for Gabriella way last December the 8th. George sent some photos of the food and them teaching the sister.  This was a great day for us.

STORY 81 SUPPER TO RODOLFOs & BIG SCRIPTURE DISCUSSION (Now Monday Feb. 22, 2016) Today is my mother's 106th birthday, and Jacobs 14th birthday. I was not feeling well again so stayed home from the office today and George went without me. We were sorry we did not get Jacob called on the phone. In the evening we had  told Rodolfo and Martha that we would bring supper over for them and her mother as the mother is leaving. I was feeling better so fixed the supper and put all in a box and we drove to their home. After the meal we bought out the chart we had made and printed with the pre earth life, earth life the place we go when we die, the judgment and the three degrees of glory. They were TOTALLY surprised at what we were telling them. They wanted to look up every scripture. The mother Maria was also into it too. It went on and on and on for way over an hour.  They said "Can we keep these pieces of paper?"  We then told them we would come back in a week and bring some more scriptures. This was probably OUR best religious discussion we have had since we have arrived. They could NOT thank us enough. They told us they had read things they did not even know existed. Martha goes to the Evangelical Church where they preach all you need is a good "heart." Everyone will go to heaven if they have a good heart. We did not get home until nearly 11 pm.  We learned it is better to TAKE the meal to their home over serving them at our home as the little boy as to go to bed, and  then we could stay and talk longer. We told them we would bring Soup and Crackers for the next Monday pm visit and talk more about the scriptures.

TORY 82 THE LITTLE BOY GUGA'S SWOLLEN EAR  (Guga's Ear all Swollen Feb. 22, 2016) George took this photo of his ear to send to my brother Norman. It was all swollen and red. They did not know if a spider had bitten it or what. it looked so strange. I told Martha we had nine children and I never remember an ear swelling up like that. We will have to tell you next week more about this little boy's red and swollen ear. See the photos. Guga is the nick name for Gustable. 

 Guys must have had a spider bite on his ear.  It is big, swollen and red.

 Now you can compare both ears.  Parents were somewhat concerned.

Go to bed, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite?  These are my bites, mom has not had any.  I guess they like me better.  Maybe they are not bedbugs, but they like me.  My back.j

STORY 83 A FULL MOON PHOTO (Now Tuesday Feb. 23, 2016) There was a FULL moon last night and George took a photo out of our balcony this morning. We do LOVE being here in Chile and have only 9 more months. The first 9 months have gone by so fast, that we hope the next 9 months will slow down. We have SO much work to do with our investigators. Now we are going to make little Charts on plain type paper as that was SO effective, last night. Just asking people to read the Book of Mormon to know if it is true is simply NOT working. We must go at this another way.

 When I awoke this morning, we had a full moon shining from the west over the Pacific Ocean
STORY 75 STREET CONSTRUCTION (Street Construction replacing pipes way way down 10 to 12 feed down) George took a photo of the Chilean work taking place on our street. We have no idea how long on the street this is going to take place, but it is certainly a very deep and large project. We walk past it daily to the office. The Chileans have a lot of workers standing around and some doing the work. We think it is like How Many People Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

Bellavista street where we live is under construction.

Sunset over the Pacific Ocean from our apartment.

MUCH LOVE and we PRAY for all of you DAILY,  Mom and Dad Talbot

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