Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Cleyde desires baptism

Dear family,

We didn't take very many pictures this week, as we hardly were able to get out of the office.  The Elders from the office were in zone conferences, so Margaret and I held down the office ourselves.  Being confined to the office does not give much opportunity to take very many pictures.

We did meet with Cleyde Colome on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  She leaves on Tuesday night to go back to Ovalle, Chile to School.  It has been an interesting experience getting to meet Cleyde.  We have met with another investigator for some time.  His daughter was having a birthday party, so we were invited to go.  We usually like to go to things like that because it gives a chance to meet a lot of different people who may be interested in hearing the Gospel message.  While at the birthday party for Gabriela, Margaret met Ideide, who invited us to go to her home.  We had a home evening with she and her husband Wilson just before Christmas and had a good time with them.  We were thinking they were going to progress in receiving the Gospel.  As we met with Ideide one time, her sister Cleyde was there, but went into the Kitchen.  I got up and went in and told her that she would be welcome to come in and listen if she would like.  She then joined us and became interested in the message, and now is prepared and wants to be baptized.  In the meantime, her sister Ideide has indicated that she wants to remain Catholic.  She declined to listen to the messages we were giving to her sister who was temporarily living in their home. Ideide is a lovely person and I think we can still work with her, but have now concentrated on Cleyde, since she has been so receptive.We will hate to see Cleyde leave, as she has studied about the church and has received a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon.  It will be sad to see her leave, but I have sent her name to the missionaries in Ovalle, so hopefully they can pick up where we left off, get her integrated into the ward, and see that she gets baptized.

Pascal Nunez - Young daughter of Ideide who turns six on the 25th of March.  We have been invited to her birthday party.  I told her to smile, and this is what I got.

I decided not to have Pascal Smile, and this is what I got.She is a lovely little girl.

It was sad today, as Cleyde was wanted to go to church with us today, but we are not allowed to take members or members (except missionaries) in mission vehicles for liability reasons.  We were told that a member of the church was going to pick her up and take her to church.  We waited at church, but she did not come.  We learned that the member had lost her cell phone and the missionaries were not able to contact her, so no one stopped to pick up Cleyde.  Margaret and I therefore left Church after Sacrament meeting and drove up to Cleydes.  We apologized for the mix up and read the Book of Mormon with her.  We had a really nice Sunday School meeting with her at her home.  As we were going to her home, we met a man outside that we talked to.  His wife is in the hospital in Santiago with Pancreatic Cancer.  She is coming home on Wednesday, so he invited us to his home on Saturday to meet her and talk to them.  Perhaps allowed this to happen this way so that we could meet this new family.  We will have to see what happens.

 All are happy because Cleyde is desiring baptism into the church
Picture of Elder Talbot, Hermana Gemin (Peru), Cleyde Colome, Hermana Talbot and Hermana Lorenzo (Argentina).

I took a picture or two of the Ocean, as it is now fall season here, and the ocean is quite turbulent.  From our apartment, there are a lot of huge rocks out in the ocean, and when the big waves hit the rocks, it looks like an explosion.  The ocean can be quite fascinating to watch when the big waves some  ashore.

The next two weeks are going to be very busy weeks.  We have two zone conferences next week, and one is the Antofagasta Zone conference, which we are in.  We will be attending that conference all day.  When you take a day away from your regular work, you have to catch up in the other four days.  The following week is transfers, and we have 8 missionaries going home, and 10 new missionaries coming into the mission.  When transfers occur, we have three very long days.  The day after transfers is leadership council, so we have to host all of the zone leaders who will be coming in to meetings for the day.  We provide lunch for them.

We hope all of you are doing well.  It seems strange to have you talk about spring, and I see pictures of flowers blooming in Utah, and here the weather is getting cooler, but does not vary by very many degrees winter or summer.

We love all of you, and pray for you in your lives.  The Lord loves us all, but struggles are what tests our faith and makes us stronger.


Mom and Dad

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