Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Friday, October 16, 2015

Sanchez Haircut

Mercy Estrella came to dinner with Robert ,award member, and Elder Ortega. They gave her missionary discussion.  She was the barber that gave me a Sanchez haircut.
 Mom and I with Mercy Estrella

Diana Leyton with her grandmother and young cousin.  She is on the right.
 Office missionaries-left to right - Elders Gonzalez, Chang, Talbot, Cloward, Maki, Ortega, Hortua, and Erickson
 Alfred Yanez son playing with the Engish/Spanish cards
 Elders at General Conference at the Quito Stake Center -left to right - Elders Ortega, Gonzalez, Plowman, figoroua, Fakahuafua, Cloward, Hortua, Cordova, and Chang.

 Edward Gandalmes and his girlfriend showed up for breakfast.  We were glad they came, but it was somewhat unannounced.
Dear Family,

Although I sent some pictures to Amy, I did not get off a letter, as the weekend was pretty busy with two days of conference.  We really enjoyed listening to conference.  Since we are three hours later, our morning session was 1-3 and our afternoon session was from 5-7.  Obviously the priesthood session was 9-11.  Mom and I had lined up investigators to attend every session so wanted to be with them.  There are two Stakes in Antofagasta, and since we are not limited to a particular Sector, and had met people in the store, we attended both stakes to be with them.  We also had some meals planned to be with them.  We were disappointed in that people who said they were going to come didn't show up for one reason or another.  Some were sick, some indicated they had to work, and some just did not come.  We had worked so hard to invite them and wanted to have them listen to Apostles and prophets, and they just did not show.  We did have two couples show up to the last session, and we had them over for dinner afterward.  They seemed to enjoy conference, but didn't have a lot of questions for us.  They really liked Devin Durrants talk.  One of our investigators that was going to come, was ill with a bad cold, but did show up to our home for breakfast (to our surprise) prior to conference.  He brought a girlfriend.  We quickly fixed breakfast and hosted them.  It was obvious that he had a bad cold.  We really like Edwards and the girl friend seemed very nice.  We will have to see if we can get her interested in the church.  We went out to the Leyton's as the reason she could not come is because her mother was suffering from a bad back.  We found that to be true as well, as she was in a walker and really struggled to get around.  We called the Elders to come and give her a blessing.  We took some food to them and ate snacks and had them watch general priesthood meeting on their computer.  They seemed to really enjoy that.  Even the father came down and watched it, which was unusual.  He has usually stayed upstairs while we were there.  Anyway, we tried to do what we could to involve our investigators in conference.  Alfred Yanez is being taught by the missionaries.  We had he and his two sons over for dinner and then were going to go to conference with them.  He said he couldn't go because he and his wife are separated, and she had plans and couldn't take the boys so he could go, and did not want the boys to go to our church.  All I can say is we did our very best.

It seems that the adversary has won the battle in many cases.  People here usually work long hours and sometimes have more than one job.  They are not thinking of religion or the future life, they are worried about surviving in this one.  Free time is not for reading the Book of Mormon or learning about religion, it is about finally having a break and doing something they want to do.  Sometimes I feel like I would like to take some of these people by the collars and shake them and say, "do you realize what you are denying yourselves of.  We have the Truth.  We are trying to give you a message that will bless your life.  Why won't you listen?"  I think often of the missionaries in the Book of Mormon and in the Bible who had similar problems.  They do not want to listen, and simply don't care.  Sometimes, the ones who will listen are really "down and out."  They are like the poor Zoramites in the Book of Mormon who were not allowed to worship and were expelled when converted by Alma, Amulek and others.  Agency is a wonderful thing for those who choose to do good, but a very  destructive thing for those who choose not to use it properly.  There are so many here who live together and are not married.  Divorce is extremely difficult, so they separate and then live with someone else.  When missionaries find them, they have to deal with those kind of problems.  We live somewhat in a world without morals.  Many people have become very set in their ways.

We pray that all of you are doing well.  We appreciate your letters and phone calls and all you do and have done to help us be here.  We could not have come without your help. Also, thank you for being such wonderful children.  You have taught your grandchildren well, and we find much joy in hearing about the good things they are doing and seeing their accomplishments.  They could not to that without loving and supportive parents.  With your families, we see you doing much the same thing that we tried to do (but much better) of giving you children talents and opportunities so that they can have successful lives.  Once you bring a child into this world, you feel the love for, and the responsibility of that child for the rest of your life.  Thank you for making our lives what it is.

 Heber Olsen has now moved out of our home, and apparently a younger couple has moved into our basement.  They are just getting married.  They are in the Ward of Dan Bishop of Mountain View Management, who has been looking after our home.  Also, apparently James Peacock is going to get married.  He is renting our home up in Midway.  He is marrying a woman who has two children, so that will change our home up there.  I think they are going to get married in late winter or early spring.  Esther Shim in the Willow Lane home wants to move out in December even though they signed a contract to be there until August 2016.  We have asked Dan Bishop to find someone to rent that home.  There is not much we can do from here, so have to just trust that all will be taken care of and will work out.


Mom and Dad

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