Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Will We Make A Difference?

Dear family,  I did not take too many photos this week.  It seems we did not do too much in the way of getting out, so did not have a lot of opportunities to take pictures.
I am continually amazed at the dogs in Antofagasta and where they choose to sleep.  This one is in a downtown business window.  I found some humor in how and where he was sleeping  

The lobby where we live is getting decorated for Halloween.  Apparently it is a holiday here as well.

 since we are going into spring here, I decided to plant my garden.  Unfortunately, I could not find a tomato plant, but could only buy seeds.  I am starting from scratch.  I will report my progress.
 I mentioned once before that the Chileans like to paint their walls.  I have taken several pictures of their paintings.

 Because of the mining industry here, there are hundreds of trucks just like this.
 The micro buses pick up people and drop them off all along the way.  They are a hazard to driving in Antofagasta.  The drivers do not follow any rules of the road.

 Another picture of our building with a turkey vulture flying nearby to check if we are still alive or his lunch.

Dear family,  (Wee of October 10 through the 17th)  2015

FAMILY NEWS  We enjoyed talking to Debbie Talbot (daughter in law) on the phone for her birthday Oct 16. We also enjoyed the email from Laura and her new photos. We got to talk to  Bryan, Merrill, Jon, David  and Julie on the phone. We tried to call all of the others and got phone messages. We learned Spencer comes home from Brazil on December 17th. We wish we had more time to skype and see everyone but our days are just packed to the brim. We so appreciate Amy making the blog. Even my brother Norman's wife Jerilyn said she enjoys seeing and reading it each week. 

FAMILY SPANISH LEARNERS and SPEAKERS  We did not realize that our family is so full of those who have studied or have learned Spanish The list is like this: (learned it in school) Laura, Debbie, David, and  Jonathan. Grandchildren who took Spanish in school:  Austin, Dallin, Dayton, and Drew Family missionaries who went to a Spanish speaking country:  Bryan, David and Jonathan, (Merrill - Italian); (children's spouses) Matthew Grant, David Stuart.  Debbie Shurtz took 4 years of Spanish in High School and received the Spanish Award her senior year.  She says she has forgotten a lot but I a sure it would all come back fast if she were in a Spanish country. We are proud of Hunter who learned Thai and Spencer learned Portuguese. Austin took Spanish at BYU took and lived in the Spanish House living quarters where you can only speak Spanish. He received 16 credit hours for his Spanish work. Bryan, Jonathan and David are all very proficient in the language even though it is many years following their missions.  David is over the Spanish Ward in his Stake assignment on the High Council and gives talks there in Spanish. We HOPE HOPE we can talk to them in fluent Spanish when we go home, George will be able to for sure, but I a still in the (hope to) category. I am certain Matthew Grant and David Stuart can still speak the language too.

OFFICE WORK - It was a quiet week at the office as it is the week following the BIG push week for Cambios (changes) when new and leaving missionaries come and go. We spend considerable time driving back and forth to the hospital to take things to Elder Goff who had some recent seizures and was in the hospital for tests.  

CHILEAN HOSPITALS  They have city hospitals and private hospitals. Every one says you want to go to the private hospitals. The mission always uses the private hospitals. The neurosurgeon seemed quite knowledgeable. Elder McComb, who is in a picture with George in this week's photos is the companion and they had a fold out kind of chair he slept on at the hospital for 4 nights. George checked them out on Tuesday and took them to their pension (apartment).

MORE INVESTIGATORS  George went to the Scotia Bank this week with Elder Hortua. After doing their business he asked each of the female clerks if they would like to learn more about the Mormon Church. They both said they would. Elder Hortua was quite surprised. George told him it is all about (opening your mouth). But it is really more than that. We look in their faces ad you can see tf there is a good light in their eyes and that tells us who might be interested. We are reminded of an old  saying  that goes like  this "WATER WATER everywhere and not a drop to drink."  Now we say "PEOPLE PEOPLE everywhere and very few want to learn about the church. It is so amazing to watch people coming and going rushes here and there, driving here and there and shopping etc. And yet very very few want to know more about the church.

ITS JUST A JOKE   We asked Martha and Rodolfo about our Eternal Marriage as compared to Death do you Part. They said (he) Oh that is just a joke. After we die we will recognize each other, and we will be together again, we are certain that is how it will be. The "till death do you part" is just a joke.  He felt like when everyone goes to heaven they will seek out those they love, and no one signed papers on earth saying at death we part and therefore you can't see each other in heaven.  He felt we will find each other and be together. 

THE EARLIER IDEA of a TRUE CHURCH  Our daug.- in - law,  Debbie Shurtz Talbot made a profound statement this week on the phone. She said when Joseph Smith was born and during his era, people were LOOKING for the right church and wanted to find out which one was right. Now Satan has taken that idea out of their minds and put in the idea that  there is NOT just  ONE True Church. They are all good and true .Just pick which one you like, and have a good heart and everyone who does those two things will go to heaven. You don't need baptism, sacrament, apostles, etc. etc. Edward said: "My parents taught us to be good and kind people. They felt they did not need a church. But if in our later lives we want a church that is OK with them." Edward still has not warmed up to the idea that he needs a church. But he likes us and although he is only 25  and we are in our 70s, he keeps in contact with us weekly. 

WHO DECIDED WE WOULD BE BORN INTO the CHURCH That is a good question. One of our investigators (Mark) said "Sure you believe all of  the things you are telling us, you were born into the church. Do you mean that all of the people in Antofagasta have to go around and FIND the true church. That does not seem fair."  

THE BOOK of MORMON  Another witness that Jesus is the Christ. George and I have both decided that this is where we need to put the emphasis. If we can just get people to read it and to know that Joseph Smith could not have written that book. Then perhaps they would come to know it is true, then to realize that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet and then all of the rest would come.  So far we have not had even ONE of our investigators  (except the young man who moved to Columbia)  who would take the Book of Mormon seriously and read it clear through. We will not give up trying, but this is how it is so far, in working with 26  different people. We keep praying that their hearts will be softened.

WILL OUR MISSION MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ANYONE  We sometimes wonder. But I say yes it will. George works so marvelously well with the office Elders. They all really like him a lot. He always jokes with them in a kind way, and  hugs each of them each day when we leave the office. He has such a kind way of working with them. He is a marvelous "father" image for them. So we can make a difference there. Also we are making lots of friends and we CALL all of them once a week, and keep adding more people to our list. Perhaps someday we will have someone who will take the promise to read the Book of Mormon and they can know it is true, if they will sincerely pray about it.  Keep praying for us and for our investigators.

Love Mom and Dad

BYU FOOTBALL GAME  We were glad David could use the tickets with his "cronies" and watch the game against Cinncinatti. Glad they won. We listened to it on the computer (radio style) from 9PM to 12:30 AM. 

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