Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Goodbye to the Lawson's

FOR OUR DEAR FAMILY,    Sent Wednesday July 13, 2016 from Antofagasta, Chile

       We truly appreciate the emails and email photos we have received this past week: 1) from Laura about her family trip to California,2)  from Julie about Jennah's preparations to attend BYU Idaho,  3) from Stephanie about her boys and her gardening, 4)  from David's family about Dayton's $100 tip,  5) from Merrill about his children and son Ethan going to the Sacred Grove in New York, 6) from Jonathan about now having only 3 children at home,  7) from Amy about her move and finding things in boxes such as the silverware we gave her for her wedding, and from 8) from our new missionary Hannah about her 2nd great week at the MTC, and from our California missionary Dallin about his mission experiences, plus having a nice phone visit with our son Bryan and his wife Lisa.

       We do try to keep on top of the emails and answer something to those who send us their news. We wish we had more time to CALL our children in the evenings (now our phone is working) or better yet to SKYPE, but we are very busy and this mission is now closing in on us, so hope you will all understand. We are SO glad we now have a phone and have had conversations with all of our children.  Even though we don't have a ton of time to talk we treasure every minute that we can talk to our children. My sister Elaine sent an email and said a boy from their ward has just been called to the Antofagasta Chile Mission and our good friend Marion Bentley said his granddaughter's husband's brother will be arriving here to this mission in the near future.

 PLUS ------ THANK YOU ALL  AGAIN  For the Birthday Flowers and Chocolates  (arrived July 7, 2016) wonderfully fresh flowers.    Now it is July 13 (7 days later) and in the evenings and they are still giving us joy and happiness. We keep them in a dark room while we are at the office so they will last longer, over being out in the light, all day when we are gone. We get many compliments on them from people who come to our apartment.

Photo of the flowers top down
Photo of the box of chocolates we shared with office elders and the Lawsons.

STORY  189  Happy Birthday to Elder Roberts from the Office  (Friday July 8th)  One of the office elders told us it was Elder Roberts' birthday. We went and bought some ice cream and celebrated with him later in the day. He is a very modest young man from MANTI, Utah and plays the piano quite well. He said his mother started him on the piano when he was age 6.  He is George's assistant and is being trained by Elder Walker (past assistant) who will be leaving in less than 3 weeks to go back in the field.

Photo at the office, with the elders celebrating with us, Elder Robert's birthday.
Elder Roberts birthday.  We purchased cookies and Ice Cream for the Office Party.

STORY 190  The Sisters Missionary Discussion with Our Contact  (Friday pm) July 8th)  This was a real evening to not forget.  Isabella is the mother of Pricilla who is the wife of Jordan who is a baptized inactive member. Pricilla and Jordan live only 2 short blocks from our apartment and we pass by their home every day. The last time we went to the home Pricilla's mother was there and we asked her if she would like to know more about the church. She was agreeable and invited us to come to her home. We contacted the two sister missionaries who then made the appointment, we got permission to use the car and picked them up along with another ward member. This home was (nice) but WAY WAY North of where we live. We entered the home and the 90 year old mother was on the couch, a another son (brother to Isabella), then came Isabella husband, and later another brother and his wife knocked on the door and became part of the conversation. After getting acquainted the sister missionaries gave a  lovely restoration lesson (in Spanish of course) and those present were very interested, but then the other son and wife knocked on the door and entered, and they were very antagonistic, and negative.  It all ended with me asking the mother (age 90) if she had a family history of her life. The children said NO and they were interested in having me come back and bring materials to get this started.  We have no idea at this point where this will all go. But we  got the contact, and did our best to support the two sister missionaries (one of whom was from Grantsville, Utah). This will have to be a continued story. The 90 year old woman's husband father of the 8 children died at age 105.

Photo  with two sister missionaries with all of the people in that room.
Margaret made a hit with the lady in red and she invited us to her home with the missionaries.  The missionaries are the three Hermanas on the right.  The couple to the left showed up and ares Seventh Day Adventists and caused some problems at the meeting.  The others were very interested until they showed up.

STORY 191  Claudio and two Daughters for Lunch (Sat July 9)   This is the family we first met way last July of 2015, in Liders (Walmart) in Chile. We have maintained contact over the months and Claudio did come to church once (Sacrament meeting) and to a Christmas social. But it is very hard for someone who has had NO religion in their life to want to get into religion. But we have not given up. He has one daug. (Francisca) by one woman, and (Gabriela) by another woman, but not married to either of them. They are the joy of his life. George Francisca a Book of Mormon and she promised to read it. She is age 20. She is studying Dance in Santiago and returned on Monday.

Photo  of Claudio and 2 daughters Francisca ( age 20) and Gabriella (age 8)
We invited Claudio and his two daughters to lunch with us. 

 Photo Francisca and her necklace purchased in Santiago
Claudio's daughter Francisca.  Margaret wanted me to take a picture of her necklace.

STORY 192 (Same Family) Gifts from Brazil, Taking over 2 Meals,l and Rodolfos Sprained Ankle:

      (Friday PM July 8 pm)  We stopped by last Friday PM to say hello to Martha who had just returned from BRAZIL and gave her some rolls, but told us to wait in the car and she went and brought us some things from her recent trip home to her parents place in Brazil 1) a lovely soap container to put in a drawer, 2) a box of Brazilian candy, 3) a lovely dish towel with embroidery, and 4) a kitchen dress deal that you put plastic bags in.

Photo  Of these gifts given to us from Brazil from Marta and Rodolfo.
 Marta, Rodolfo's wife, went to Brazil to see her family.  She brought back to Margaret these gifts from Brazil.  Very thoughtful people.

     (Sunday PM July 10 pm) Then we took dinner over to them on Sunday (as we still had use of the car) and were  so surprised to find out Rodolfo had a bad sprain (obtained from slipping on a rock while fishing).  George gave him a blessing, plus we called Norman and got more instructions for him.

     (Tuesday PM July 12) Then we took dinner over againTuesday evening walking both ways (3/4s of a mile each way) to deliver it, and gave Rodolfo (who is now wearing a boot on his lower leg) a Spanish Reading lesson of Scriptures we had printed to go with the "visuals" for his young son from the New Testament to do with Christ healing people. We always make it a point to make sure to have a message to give anytime we go anywhere. Please get the right idea, our meals and visits are NOT just social visits. We make sure we leave a "spiritual message somehow."

STORY 193  Ideide and Two Children for Supper (Saturday) This is the family where the mother is the sister to the other girl (Cleyde) who was baptized. We feel impressed to not drop this family but to keep working with them and hope they will change their mind (back) to where they started being very interested, but then said  (the mother) that they wanted to go to her Catholic church. I had prepared another HOME EVENING lesson to do with them. It was a real HIT.  The children loved the paper cardboard figures of David and Golieth.

Photo of children playing with the David and Golieth cut outs that I made.
Ideide and her children came for dinner and another family home evening.
Her children, Daniel and Pascal love to come to our home and play games.

 Margaret prepared some family home evening for some of our investigators.  She has really interested the children of some families.  She is very good at it.

STORY 194  Making More Cut Out Figures for Home Evenings  (Tuesday)  We have searched through old Liahona magazines trying to find the "children's sections" and make color copies of the stories from the Old Testament and New Testament that have figures of people doing thing. (see photo)  We will be using them at Home Evening discussions and they have proved to be a real hit with the families we have tried them out on.We took these over to Rodolfo to use with his son Goga age 4. Rodolfo read both stories in English from the Bible and we had a good English lesson with him telling him what the words meant like Thy, Thou, etc. (Bible language in English).-  Used to tell two stories - Healing a leper and Healing Peter's mother in law.

Photos of Liahona magazine Bible New Testament cutouts  of Jesus Healing people

STORY 195  Learning Hymns in Spanish  (Sunday) My goal is to memorize 10 Hymns in Spanish before we leave to go home. I also worked on playing the songs I get out of the children's section of the Lliahona,  to sing and play them  on Ukulele when we have Home Evening "Hogan de  familie. Then use them at the Home Evening Lessons.The Chilean families like these as they do not sing these kinds of songs. We feel the songs are helping us teach the gospel.

Photo of the Hymns we are using for Home evenings.

STORY 196  Using the Presidents Car to Make Sunday (July 10) Home Visits  This was a real treat for us as we have not had access to a car for several months to do this, under the old leadership, but the new president was very cordial and anxious to have us go to see our investigators. Since he took the VAN to the North and left his car we were driving it. On Sunday we made all of these visits.

     CAR STOP 1) Carolina, Alexander and two children SOL and ALUNA. Sol is the girl who has been emailing our granddaughter Madison. It was a brief unannounced stop but a start.

      CAR STOP 2) Stopped at the two sister missionaries apartment to deliver a package, and to look through their old "Liahona Magazines" to find more children section story figures.

       CAR STOP 3) Stopped at Wilson and Idede and visited. They returned the PINA NUTS that we showed last week as we now have a bigger "cash" of them for George as he likes them ...more than I do. They will come again for another HOME EVENING on this coming Sat.

         CAR STOP 4) Stopped at Roberts's and met his Aunt and they also had a grain drink and cake for us. Hopefully the Aunt age 83 will want the lessons. Robert is (semi active) and he SANG for us. See photos of him and his guitar. His Aunt is a sister to his mother's mother. She is six years older than George. We have sent her many packages of cookies to try to get to meet her. We would take packages of cookies to church and gave them to Robert, who would then give them to his Aunt. Now, she said she would listen to the missionaries. We will be calling her the "Cookie Aunt."This really was a historic event to finally meet here!  However, we still have to call Robert on the phone on Saturdays to tell him we will meet him at church. He is a baptized member, but he is not as faithful as we would like to have him be. Photo is in his new apartment provided by his mother (who is quite wealthy) but not a member of the church. He invited us to come and see his apartment and to (FINALLY) get to meet his Aunt.

Photo Robert Sherino playing his guitar
Robert Cherino playing his guitar for us at his home.  We have been trying to keep him coming to church.  He loves to please Margaret.

Photo of his Great Aunt Georgina (sister to his grandmother)
Robert Cherinos great Aunt, who he lives with.  She would not anything to do with the young missionaries, but she loved Margaret.  They have invited us back.  She is 83.

         CAR STOP 5) Took the dinner over to Marta and Rodolfo and found out about the sprained ankle. After returning home  we called and talked to Norman about this ankle problem as we didn't feel the "hospital emergency had given him enough information." Norman is always so willing to help family members with their medical needs and we appreciated his advice. We can write that later for any one so interested.

Photo of Rodolfo's sprained ankle that we sent on to Dr. Norman.
Rodolfo went fishing and sprained his ankle quite badly.  He and his wife asked for a blessing.  We wish we could get these wonderful people converted.

             This was a LONG LONG sabbath day, but we did a lot of good. 'We hope!"

STORY 197  Our Big Discussion with Jose  (Monday July 11)   This is our adopted Chilean (grandson) who comes to supper at our apartment every Monday at 6:30.  We got real brave and simply told him how much we care about him and that our message is something that "we hope he would take very seriously." We had a BIG and LONG in depth discussion that lasted almost 1 and a half hours. He told us he thinks he is an "agnostic." This is the first time he has used this word. Last week it was that he didn't have any "faith."  We listed to all he had to tell us and it was things we had truly not heard before about his beliefs, nor heard from anyone for that matter.  Of course we had things to say too. But he is WAY off track!  We finally told him how much we care about him and hoped he would give us just (30) days of his life where he would truly take serious our past discussions, read the Book of Mormon, and simply give himself a chance to let our message sink deep into his heart.  He will let us know in the coming weeks his decision.

No Photos

STORY 198   Stories and Trivia About Serving in an Office      Serving in a mission office is a unique experience. It is hard to imagine anyone who would want to work at a place that had a NEW boss every three years, then you were CHANGING employees who are doing key jobs for 5 to 6 months and then leave,  they have to train someone new to take over their job, you run many many errands in a car, paying bills, doing shopping, preparing meals, doing clean up,  handling the finances, reimbursements to missionaries, monthly money for 190 missionaries, entering the weekly baptisms, dealing with the magazines and incoming mail. This is the LIFE of (this) senior couple and maybe many others who are serving in a mission office.

Photo  Current office elders standing with George in the "Big Room"  (old chapel area)
 (L to R) Elder Walker, Elder Roberts, (George), Elder Prada, Elder Huffstutler. (See Whip Story 200.
STORY  199   One of Our Favorite Elders    Elder Huffstutler who is from Alabama and has been the Commisary Secretary at the office is one of the kindest elders we have had yet. No matter what we ask him to do for us he stops what he is doing and comes to our aid. He is also very polite. Other favorite elders who are not longer working in the office were Elder Spanbaur, who is not longer working in the office, Elder Morales who is a Chilean and lives in Conception, and Elder Hart who was an AP is from a small town in Texas. The girls who in the end get these young men will be very lucky.
The Office Elders from RIght to Left - Elder Walker from St. George, Elder Roberts from Manti Me, Elder Huffstutler from Alabama having a vision and Elder Prada from Columbia.

STORY 200   Elder Huffstutler (from Alabama) his "Home Made Whip"  This elder had his mother send his "whip" that he made when he was at home, made from heavy twine and bee bees (spelled wrong) and it really cracks. During a  lunch break he likes to take it in the big  room  area and it really make a loud cracking sound. It must re-leave tension! George trys to do it but he is not as good at it as Elder Huffstutler.  He said he could make one in two days. We may pay him to make us one when he gets home. It is really something. He has been a really nice young elder to work with. He will really be missed when he goes back out into the field.

Elder Huffstutler Is from Alabama and lives in the country.  He had his mother send him his whip.

See the VIDEO of this Elders "WHIP CRACKING"  (Hope  comes through) Let us know!
See photo of this office Elder with his whip.

STORY 201 Evening Meal with the Lawsons at our Apartment  (Wed July 13)  They leave to go to the airport tomorrow to fly to Santiago. They have been serving their mission up in Alto Hospicio which is above Iquique and are the couple who has taken us in their car on two different "Excursions" while we have been here in Chile. They are four months ahead of us and this is now the end of their 18 months. They drove to the office, left their luggage till tomorrow, and we came over to our apartment for a nice dinner together. Then they went to the mission home to spend their last night. Tomorrow, we will be driving them to the airport.  They will stay two days there, attend a temple session and then fly to Cordoba, Argentina to visit people from their first couple mission and then they will return to Santiago, and fly home on July 19th.

Photo  Doug and Nancy Lawson
Elder Doug and Hermana Lawson came to our home for dinner tonight.  They have completed their mission and leave tomorrow for Santiago, then Argentina for a few days and then back home to Colorado.  We have really enjoyed them and will miss them.
 Another picture of the Lawsons Margaret.  They have been good friends, but lived six hours from us so we did not get to see them too often, but did talk to them on the telephone.

Photo Dougn, Nancy and (Margaret) in our living room after the meal.

FINAL COMMENTS sent  July 13, 2016 (Wednesday) 9:45 PM

          We realize that our Talbottestimony BLOG may not be thought to be as "Spiritual as our  missionary grandchildren's emails -  Hunter, Spencer, Dallin, and Hannah's" . We think family members may not think we tell enough on the "miracles" and "special spiritual experiences", but we come in an entirely different door of missionary work than the young sisters and elders. Plus we work EIGHT hours in an office each day from (9:30 to 5:30).which also includes walking back and forth. Therefore, we only have  our weekday evenings and our weekends to do missionary work. We rarely ever - even have a PDAY (Saturday) as we do our laundry and house keeping chores when ever we can, so we can go visit and work with investigators on Saturday which is our PDAY. Actually we do NOT remember "hardly ever" even having a real PDAY except for the two out of town excursions that we took and the one trip to Paranal.  Our spiritual experiences fall more into the category of "Listening for the workings of the Spirit"  which helps us know "What to do" and "What to say" when meeting people;  or Working with the young missionaries at the office", or "Working with "Our Investigators" either at our apartment or at their homes.  Therefore, we just keep giving our all even at our ages of 74 and 76, plus doing our best to learn the language.  We know this opportunity to serve in this way will not be this way when we go home. We do hope you enjoy  the photos and stories that we send, that sometimes are to just give you information about Chile or this time Brazil.

                    Love to All of You, and that means Every One of You.

                                                   Mom and Dad

PS  The big surprise for us! We will tell about in next weeks news we sent!  STORY 202.

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