Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Our New Car!

FOR OUR DEAR FAMILY,    Sent Thur July 21, 2016 from Antofagasta, Chile 9:30 pm

       Another busy week has come and gone. Our big surprise is that we now have  a car every day and can park it under our building. (see Story 202 & car photo)  This has really made a "huge" difference to us, and to our ability to do missionary work.
       This past week we enjoyed hearing  from Hannah and Dallin, hearing about Ethan and how he was senior patrol leader at a big Scouting event that took place in Palmyra, New York. He had a great experience. Also Jennah was able to go to BYU Idaho and look it over which really helped her. Amy is finally "sort of" settled into their home in Highland, Laura is busy with her new calling as President of the PTA for her children's elementary, Stephanie keeps busy with her garden and it is really producing results, David and Debbie returned from a quick drive trip to Utah for Deb's sister's marriage, Jonathan went to a Scout event with Nathan, Bryan and Lisa are busy tending their "huge" yard, but watering is easier as the "rain" does it. Your Aunt Viola  and Uncle Afton have a great grandson coming to our mission in the near future.  Janeth has been in the hospital with a blood clot in her leg.  We hope all is going better for her now.

       We are so pleased for all of you and everything that all of you are doing with your lives and how you are raising your children. You make us very proud. Well. here are a few stories of what is going on here.

STORY 202  Full Time Out of the Office Missionaries with a Car  We handed our new mission president a list of the families we were working with and then several days later he talked to us and said he wanted us to TRAIN the volunteer couple to do our jobs, and then only come to the office occasionally, but work as much as we can with our investigators. This was then made possible when the only other senior couple left last Thursday and we now can rent that car ($150) a month plus gas for the rest of our mission here. It was really a big surprise and a great blessing at the same time.

Our new mission president told us we only need to work in the office on a limited basis and is giving us the Lawson's car (since they went home) to do missionary proselyting work.  Our car is the one in front.  We are enjoying the freedom

STORY 203  First Appointment Out with the Car  - a Stood Up Appointment but Another Blessing  We had an appointment at 6 PM way to the North on Monday evening July 18th, with the FAMILY we sent a photo of last week that had the "90 year old mother", but when we arrived the lady said  on her phone, that she could not have us. The sister missionaries were suppose to confirm it and thought they had an affirmative, yes. Therefore, since they had another name to look for they asked us to help them find a referral address that was in the same neighborhood. We willingly agreed. We looked and looked for the right house number. Finally George stopped the car and got out to walk with the two sister missionaries as it was now dark. They met a lady cleaning her windows and talked to her and then her daughter came out side. George is the "great" open your mouth person and asked her if she would like to hear a message. She said yes, and her younger sister also joined in. They live in a very LOVELY home. Plus It was a lovely lesson and the GOLD PLATES we made  and had to show were the hit of the night. The two girls touched them and handled them and said :"You mean this book came from plates like this" in Spanish. we have another appointment next Monday, well have to see what happens next.

No photo

STORY 204  OUR CHURCH MISSIONARY STATISTICS    George and I compiled these from past 4 years of April Conference Reports 2012-2015 that were published in the MAY issues when Conference Talks were printed, etc.

            Total Church    Our Church  No. of  Church  Antofagasta     No. of     Full Time    
YEAR  Membership     Ward Baps    Convert Baps  Misson Baps  Missions  Missionaries

2012       14,782,473      122,273          272,339            1012          347          58,390

2013       15,082,028       115,436         282,945            1049          405           83,035

2014       15,372,337       116,409         296,803              538          406          85,147

2015       15,634,199       114,550         257,402              427          418          74,079

2016        (We will know these statistics  in April of 2017)                          

STORY 205    However, "Statistics"  do not tell everything. If you read in the Book of Mormon II NEPHI Chapter 28  this former PROPHET has a lot to say about how the world will be in  in "OUR DAY" in regards to the different churches and people's attitudes towards religion. We read  what he had to say last night again and it gives some good reasons why missionary work is "harder" and "baptisms" are lower now.  (3rd NEPHI 28)

     (Verse 3) For it shall come to pass in that day that the churches which are built up, and not unto the Lord, when the one shall say unto the other" Behold, I, I am the Lord's' and the other shall say: I am the Lord's' and thus shall  every one say that hath built up churches, and not unto the Lord.
     (Verses 4 to 6) give more on this. Then verse 7 says: "Yea, and there shall be many which shall say" " Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us. (The next verses 7 & 8 add more to this profetic utterance.)
      (Verse 9 says) "Yea and there shall be many which shall teach after this manner "false and vain and foolish doctrines, and shall be puffed up in their hearts, and shall seek deep to hide their counsels from the Lord; and their works shall be in the dark."  Continue reading verse 11 which says "Yea, they have all gone out of the way' they have become corrupted."
      (Verse 12) "Because of pride, and because of false teachers, and false doctrine, their churches have become corrupted, and their churches are lifted up; because of pride they are puffed up. Now you can begin to see what we are dealing with here in Chile, plus there are many, many people who say they are Catholic but do not go to church at all.
      (Verse 27) Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!

       Now perhaps you can see why missionary work is getting harder. But this is all the more reason we need to press forward and do the best we can to proclaim the message and pray that we will be led to the honest in heart.

STORY 206  The about the August  2016 "Liahona" that just arrived to the office. The  article  "Ten Reasons I Love the Book of Mormon"  by someone.
    After reading this your father, George said he would like to make his own list. We hope this coming week our children and grandchildren would discuss this in their families and EMAIL us the reasons they (individually) LOVE the Book of Mormon!!!!

     Your Father's Ten Reasons Why He Loves the Book of Mormon  BECAUSE

1. it is very explicit and very clear how we are suppose to conduct our lives.
2. It is very clear regarding consequences of not keeping commandments & covenants.
3.  In II Nephi 9:41  it talks about the path to heaven is very NARROW but it is in a straight COURSE and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel and he employeth no servant there.
4.It helps me to understand that our trials can be blessings to help us grow.
5.It has become an "anchor" to my faith. I do not have to see the golden plates to know it is true, I know it is true because I have studied it for so many years.
6. It is the physical evidence of the church, that the church is "true" and anyone who will read it, ponder it, and sincerely pray about it can receive a witness that it is true.
7. I love the strength and commitment I feel coming from Nephi, the son of Lehi, to keep the commandments and who said "I know the Lord will give no commandment to the children of men, yet he will prepare a way for them to keep it."
8. I love the historical accounts about the lives of the many great Book of Mormon prophets.
9. I love the promise in the book of Moroni with the promise to all who will read it.
10. I love that it is a 2nd witness that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the very eternal Father in Heaven.

STORY 207  Our First Dinner with two Bolivian Cousins Marcello and Juan Carlos.  ( Monday July 18)     We had met Marcello at Liders a few weeks ago and he helped us handle an exchange (which took 30 minutes)!  We therefore invited him to dinner, and when the evening came, he called and said he wanted to bring a friend too. His friend ended up being his cousin from Bolivia. We found out that they are both from Bolivia. We had a very interesting evening and  to our "surprise" they were both interested in learning more about the church. Both  are single, do not smoke, drink or live with women. Good young men, age 37-38, but neither are married. Marcello works at a Hotel here in Antofagasta, and Juan Carlos (his cousin) is not working yet as he just arrived to visit his cousin and  will probably stay for a couple of months. He has been back to our home now three times. He is also going to INSTITUTE tonight at 8 pm, and  met the two young missionaries who introduced him. He is coming to lunch tomorrow so we can give more on Juan Carlos next week. His cousin Marcello is a real live wire "hoot!"

We invited two cousins from Bolivia to our home for dinner.  They were really hungry and ate all of the food we fixed.  They were really fun and we are now teaching them the Gospel.  They are both Catholic.  This was a selfie by Marcelo Chavez in he bottom left.  Juan Carlos Chavez is between Margaret and I.  We have now met with him 3 times.

STORY 208  Reading the Liahona in Spanish every Day We Can.  (or 30 Minutes)   We just read the article in the AUGUST Liahona of the Lost Scriptures. We thought it would be about Joseph Smith's Lost 116 pages, but it was Elder Cooks  (not the apostle Elder Cook) lost scriptures. You would enjoy reading it. I hope it is also in the AUGUST Ensign.

No photo.

STORY 209 Our Home Evening Night with Two Leyton Family Members.  (Wed. July 20)  You may not remember,  but Javier is a member, but not always active, age 25, but has never wanted to receive the priesthood, therefore he is only a baptized member. We went to their home because his older sister (not married) Diana called and invited us but said "We (meaning the other family members) do not want to read your book!" But she invited us over for supper.  While there (only three of the family were there), she confirmed this statement again to us that the family did not want us teaching about  the B of M to them any more. However, Javier is still a member. So we plan to home teach him once a month for the next four months while we are still in Antofagasta. George took his photo  of him holding the gold plates and the Book of Mormon, that we took but did not discuss.

We stopped in to see Javier Leyton.  He is a member of the church, but only semi-active.  We taught him about the Book of Mormon.  His family are not members and recently informed us that they are not interested in learning about the church.

This is our Book of Mormon scripture display in our home.  It is amazing the effect on members and non- members when they see what the Gold Plates looked like.
 The elders in the office were having a planning meeting over lunch in the office.
 Juan Carlos came to our home again for lunch.  We had a very nice long gospel discussion.  He has a lot of questions, as he is hearing so many things that are new to him.

STORY 210 My Birthday Flowers are still Holding Up.  Lisa Talbot told me to cut the stems and they would continue giving forth their beauty. George took this last photo for me. They have been so very wonderful and such nice flowers. Thanks again for remembering me this way on my July 6th birthday. It is now TWO weeks later! You all should be impressed with Chilean florists and how well the flowers held up!

STORY 211  Photo of the New President and his Wife.  President Ferreira and his wife Jaqueeli. They have been simply wonderful!   This past week  we learned that Nancy Fawcett Wilcock (your cousin, daug. of your Aunt Viola and Uncle Afton), taking about the son of Raylinda (her daughter), who married a Hirschi,  this young man just got called to this Antofagasta, Chile Mission. He will be Elder Hirschi, and may arrive just after we come home. He will love this new president and his wife, who are both from Conception, Chile. He is a former Area Seventy, and his favorite words are "Excellente" and "Fabuloso."  Also Marion Bentley's granddaughter who early this past year jreturned from a mission to France, married a young man with the surname of Montgomery. They  called and told us that this groom's brother has been called to this mission.  Elder Montgomery will arrive in 10 days to our mission.  He is coming from Mexico where he has completed his 6 to 8 weeks of training.

A close up picture of our new Mission President David Hernan Ferreira and his wife Jaqueeli.  He is David's age and served in the Cordova, Argentina mission a few years after Bryan.  They are lovely people and have really changed the mission in a positive way.

STORY 212   Large Tree of Life Copy Etching - Photo.  This is a copy from a book of a large wall hanging that is here at the office of Lehi and his family standing around the TREE, partaking of the fruit. It is a wonderful  art piece, and we love looking at it each day when at the office. This photo does not do it justice.

This copper art piece of the tree of life is hanging in the office area.  Mom loves this copper piece of the tree of life.

STORY 213   President's Wife's Birthday Dinner July 21.  This took place today. We sent Amy several photos and she can choose which ones she uses. The office staff and APs were invited to a dinner. George and I were asked to go and purchase a cake. The bakery we went to had double significance as after talking to the clerk, she wanted to learn more about the church. She is a 24 year old law student, who works at the bakery to pay for her schooling. We will not meet with her until the first week of August.  The DINNER was very lovely and we had a very nice "beef steak" meal, that was very Chilean. The meat was cooked in a big cooker with (onion, green pepper, carrot slices and spices) and those juices ran down into the meat. They do things so different than we do in the states.  Twelve at the table and five small bowls with - green beans, corn, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, and you take a little of each, and then had "potato balls" the size of large marbles, small rolls, ice cream, flaun, and the brownie-cheese cake we purchased for the President. Quite a meal! Their daughter is in one of the photos.
Hermana Ferreira's birthday celebration with the office staff

Gina Ferreira, daughter, getting ready to serve empanadas.

Several birthday dinner Photos -

      We are still working at the office as the "volunteer couple" is in the United States until Aug. 1. Then after  they return and another week of training, they will do more of our jobs, and we will only stop in the office to check on things, etc. Lots and lots of changes with this new president's leadership and all of them are good
     We appreciate your prayers and prayers for our investigators. We do not have a good track record as after MUCH MUCH work over many months, we have a long list of "Drop Outs!" :  Hugo age 40, Alfred (separated from his wife) and 2 sons, the Leyton family mom, dad, and two older children, Raul and wife, Marcello age 40, another Raul age 50, and a few others not listed. We hope we can find the TRUE in HEART (Juan Carolos and Marcello may be receptive), but all we can do is to keep doing our best, and putting forth our best effort, to proclaim the Gospel message. It is up to each individual to accept or reject. Like we read in II Nephi chapter 28, times are getting harder and harder to do with people and religion. We are SO pleased Jennah is working on turning in her papers soon, to join the World Wide army of missionaries!

Love Mom and Dad

PS  We love your EMAILS. And DO send us your reasons WHY you LOVE the BOOK of MORMON!

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