Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Monday, June 22, 2015

Arica, Fishing, and Golf courses

Dear Family,   JUNE 21, 2015  Antofagasta. Chile

Here it is Fathers Day 2015, and I don't have any of my children around to celebrate with.  Nevertheless to know that  my sons and daughters and their families are all living the Gospel and raising good families is a great reward for a father.  I could not ask for more.

We had a very busy last week.  On Monday June 15, we drove nine hours from Antofagasta to get to ARICA which is located right on the PERU border sea shore.  There was nine hours of desert, although there were some rather spectacular scenes we saw as we drove along.  Mom was pretty scared driving down into and out of some of the deep deep deep canyons. Even the mountains were covered with sand, but obviously were built of rock as the roads were on rock.'  On Tuesday June 16  we prepared meals for the missionaries at the Zone Conference in Arica. While in Arica we stayed two nights at the San Diego Almagro HOTEL there and then left early Wednesday morning June 17 and drove to ALTO HOSPICIO We arrived in time to prepare lunch and serve the missionaries there coming to that zone conference.  Following that conference, we drove down to IQUIQUE for two nights at the Holiday Inn Express HOTEL.  We found out it was owned by the TALBOT Hotels.  I told the front desk that I should get a free room since I owned the hotel. Those at the front desk would laugh and say I needed to talk to the owner.  We stayed two nights in Iquique and following that zone conference and a nights rest we then drove along the coast back to Antofagasta on Friday in the Mission presidents car as they wanted to show us some things along the way, plus his wife likes to hunt for sea shells.
  Driving along the coast ROAD (you can find it on a map) from Iquique to Antofagasta with President Dalton and his wife was another adventure.  We drove right next to the Pacific Ocean, I thought there might be a little different scenery than Highway 5 inland a little ways, but it was still all desert.  Even the golf course at TOCAPELLIA was one big rocky sand trap. However, I didn't see anyone out playing golf.  I thought if we held the Talbot Open there, we could all have a good excuse as to why we did not play well.

Backtracking a bit,while at Arica, mom and I walked down to the beach where there were a couple of men fishing.  Neither had caught any fish, but were hoping to have some luck.  I really enjoyed visiting with one of them named LUIS Ramos.  He let me use his pole for a few minutes to try my luck.  I felt I had a couple of tugs, but when I yanked, I did not have anything.  I noticed when he had a fish biting, he did not yank the pole but kept hoping the fish would give stronger tugs.  He gave me his name and phone number and I told him the next time I am in Arica (in three mohths for the next series of zone conferences) I would call him so that we could go fishing together.  They fish from the shore and said best fishing is at night.  They wait until the big waves come in and then cast out over the waves.  Their weights are huge and on the bottom of the line,and the hooks and bait are higher up on the line.

Saturday our PDAY was another adventure at our Pensione (apartment in Spanish). We had use of the mission car and went shopping to find me some thongs or sandals as my left small toe has given me some problems and was infected while in Iquique. We did find something (finally) after going to several stores, we did our shopping for groceries and packed our things three blocks to where the car was parked. This was a First shopping expedition for us alone.

Today Sunday June 21 we had Antofagasta Stake Conference.  A seventy was visiting from Argentina. Mom had a lady translating for her and the main talk from the 70 members was Keeping the Sabbath Day more Holy. He said the people should not leave after the sacrament but should stay for the whole meeting, and even crying babies should stay for the meeting but go to the back of the room. He did not approve of taking the children out, He said children are angels but some angels are desruptive angels and do need extra care. I (George) could understand a few words, but he would talk very fast in a very long sentence and it was difficult for me to sort out where one word ended and another began.  I will have to keep working on understanding Spanish.  We purchased a book with English words into Spanish and Spanish pronunciation. I hope it will help us. yesterday at the store to try and help us improve our control of the language. We do seem to pick up something every day, so hopefully in a few months we will be able to speak and understand.

We wonder how all of you are doing.  We know we are missing many family activities, but feel we are providing a service to this mission.  We are happy that Dallin is now out into the field doing missionary work.  I am certain he will do well there.  We are so glad to receive Spencer's and Hunter's mission letters.  I can tell they are both very good missionaries and doing well.  That makes us happy for them.  Stephanie tells us her garden is doing well.  She has become quite the farmer.  Glad to hear Nathan is finishing his Eagle project.  One more grandson (Nathan) will be getting his Eagle Scout award soon.

I can't mention all of the news from family, but we are grateful that you keep us posted. and enjoyed hearing about the Fawson Reunion, the Kleins visit Merrill, the Kleins now at Bryans, Amys upcoming move, and Dallin leaving for California,We will look forward to his e-mails.  Appreciated phone calls from Jonathan and Julie. We so enjoy reading your emails and getting your phone calls.

We look forward to hearing from Landon and Amy this evening via Skype. We miss being around all of the grandchildren.  I am losing some of my teasing techniques not having them around

. We will be in the OFFICE Mon to Thur then leave on Friday for the SOUTH zone conferences and will return on Wed. July 1. We have the Antofagasta Zone Conference this coming Tuesday so Monday will be busy with the preparations and shopping for groceries as it is in the office building that is a church building that is currently not being used


Mom and Dad

This is the view out of our hotel window in Arica.  We could hear the waves crashing in all night.

 I found a fisherman. I think I had a bite!

 A new place for the Talbot Open Golf tournament. The Golf course at Tocapilla.

 This was an unbelievable deep canyon and strong winds.  Notice the desert

 Mom with Elders Harris and De La Pena getting tables prepared for the lunch at Arica Zone missionaries.
 This missionary is in Steve and Timandra Fawson's ward in LaVerkin

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