Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Zone conferences and Spanish classes

Dear Family,  JUNE 13, 2015 Saturday

This week we had time to work in the office somewhat.  I continued to receive training on becoming the financial secretary for the mission, and Mom has been organizing the office, recording the baptisms, and helping with the referrals. We both went shopping for food for the Calama Zone conference which was to be held Friday in Calama. It seems there is always plenty to do.

On FRIDAY June 12 we went to Calama,which is about 3 hours away. The elevation is about 7,500 feet, and it is a little cooler there than in Antofagasta.  This whole area here is in the Atacama Desert, and is unbelievably dry and barren.  You will NOT see a plant, bush shrub,or a tree anywhere.  It is the driest desert int he world.  There was a zone conference there so we had to purchase the food with the missionaries who were going to help us, and then drive up early Friday morning.  We left at 7:00 a.m. and arrived back home about 7:30 p.m.  We had to assist in first cleaning the kitchen of the church, then preparing the eating room area with chairs and tables, etc, then preparing the lunch meal for the missionaries attending the zone conference.  After feeding them, we did all the cleaning up of the kitchen, washing the dishes, mopped the floors, put away all of the tables and chairs and returned home.  Two elders from the mission went up with us to help us, which we appreciated. There are five elders in the office and two AP's (assistants) who are there periodically for a few days.  However, different this is, we really enjoy working with the elders in the office.
Mom and I have been trying to work on our Spanish.  I would like to be somewhat fluent in Spanish so that I can better communicate with the people.  I know quite a few words, but putting them together in a recognizable form is difficult.  I find the Spanish throw in words like Se,
Que, Como, hace etc. in places that I do not understand.  Nevertheless, I guess I will learn.  Mom signed us up for a Spanish course from the MTC two nights a week for an hour for six months..  We will by skyping with someone who will be teaching us Spanish. We have to commit to speaking 2 hours a day in Spanish for them to take us on.  Hopefully that will help.  they require us to speak Spanish for two hours a day as well.  The Elders in the office have agreed to help us.

I have been trying to pick up some referrals for the missionaries to teach.  I have picked up several, but unfortunately none of them do live in the sector where the office missionaries live.  I have been meeting with a family that doesn't  live too far from us that the elders have been teaching their son. The Elders have wanted me to go with them.  They were just teaching the boy, but now we have another son, a cousin, and a mother who has been inactive for 25 years attending the meetings.  Hopefully we  can have some good results out of this (maybe).  Tonight we have an investigator CHRIS HOLLAND (from USA) coming over to our home.This is an investigator the missionaries were already teaching, but we are trying to help them out with him.

We think of all of you all of the time, and are always glad to show off your pictures.  We appreciate Amy and Laura getting us pictures of everyone so that we look at them and wish.  We hope all of you are doing well.  We appreciate Landon and Amy and Stephanie and David going to the FAWSON REUNION in Moab to represent our family.  We will be missing everything this year  We talked to Laura earlier today and they are on their way to go to Bryan & Lisa's. She said David & Debbie will be flying in the following weekend (even while the Klein's are there) to attend Debbie's sister's marriage..

We are enjoying being together and going together to the things we do. It is surely different from the many chores we had at home in Provo. ..As you can guess, I no longer have to water the garden or mow a lawn, which by the way, I did not mind. I loved to see things grow and develop.  I suspect I will not be to thrilled with the weeds that grew while we were gone.


Mom and Dad

Mom with some ward members
 The church they attend
 Mom speaking Spanish with ward members :)
 Pictures from the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world
 The city of Calama, copper mines with smoke, and the dry, dry, Atacama Deseret
 The office missionaries they work with every day.
 A statute of Christ at the city of Calama in the Atacama Desert

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