Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Friday, July 10, 2015

Desert Flower Garden and Vallenar

Swimming pool at Copiapo that was filled with mud during the flooding in April

Beautiful town plaza at Taltal

Mom fixed dinner for the office elders:  Beginning right front Elders Orribe, Cloward and McComb peeking out  - Left Front Elders Hortua, Erickson, De La Pena and Harris

Our walk from the church to our apartment.  the Apartment is on the right 20th floor

Our walk from the condo to the office.  The tree in the way distance on the right is just beyond the church.  We walk to and from the church that distance each day.

This is Mom's desert flower garden that she is very proud of.  Flowers from the dry dry desert caused by unusual rain that Mom dug and bought back.

Here is mom digging up her flower.

Flowers in the arrid desert tha sprouted up as a result of the heavy rain in April
 Here we are.  See all of the colorful flowers in the background
Breakfast served at our hotel in Vallenar

General living room at our hotel in Vallenar
 Patio at our hotel in Vallenar

Reception area of our hotel in Vallenar
 Front of our hotel in Vallenar.  Our room was the upstairs window in the center right.

Church on the Plaza in Vallenar
 Mom and I by an old Pepper tree at the Plaza at Vallenar

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