Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Friday, July 17, 2015

Dogs of Antofagasta

I get a kick out of the dogs here.  You find them dead asleep in the middle of paths where people are walking, in the gutters, sides of the road etc.  It seems they are able to sleep while people walk around them and almost have to step over them.

Dear Family,

It has been a crazy week trying to get everything done before the transfers take place tomorrow.  I will lose Elder McComb in the financial area and gain Elder Gonzales.  He will be good, but I will miss Elder McComb.  He was such a great help in teaching me what I needed to know.  He is going to still be working in Antofagasta, so can still be some help, but Elder Harris is being transferred all to Calama, and Elder De La Pena is going way up North to Arica.  Elder Orribe is going to Alto Hospicio by Iquique so we will have some new faces in the office to work with.  Elder Erickson and Elder Horta will remain in the office.

The office has been a little frantic with all of the transfers coming on Monday.  We have 13 new missionaries coming and are sending 19 missionaries home.  Monday we will be at the mission home all day feeding the missionaries that are leaving and preparing for the new missionaries that will be coming in on Tuesday.  Wednesday is the meeting at the office where the trainers pick up their companions etc. so that is another big day.  After we serve them on Wednesday, we quickly prepare for Elder Zeballos of the Seventy who arrives on Thursday.  We will have to be all ready for him in Antofagasta.  We serve the food for 50 plus people to the mission conference on Thursday, and at noon jump in the car, pick up some groceries that we need and drive to Iquique which is a six hour drive North.  We then have to set up the church that evening for the missionaries in the North.  We will have mission conference there on Friday and again after cleaning up, return to Antofagasta, a six hour drive back.  Fortunately we have Saturday to recuperate a little, but Sunday afternoon we go South six hours to Copiapo for the missionaries who are in the South.  Are you TIRED yet?  I am, and the week has not even begun.

As you know, I was hacked on my computer, so have had to cancel all of my credit cards, and try to block all of my bank accounts. It was a terrible mess.  Also I no longer have a computer until I can get it looked at.  I will not be able to do that for a week.  Had I been in Utah, this would have never happened, but I was confused with the problem thinking my internet problem was in  Chile.  If I had thought, I would have known better.  A short lapse of sound thinking caused me an enormous problem.  Hopefully I will be able to recover everything next week when I can have my computer looked at.

We had all of the office missionaries over for dinner yesterday, and have to young couples coming to our home for dinner today.  Having them come, and talking in Spanish helps us.  It also helps us get acquainted with people.

Since it is now winter here, the weather has been slightly cooler.  Not much, as I still see people swimming at the beach here in Antofagasta.  When we go south, we noticed it got colder.  When we went North to Arica, it was quite warm and nice.

We wish we could have been with you in East Canyon.  I hope that worked out for everyone.  It is always fun for he children, but we will have to make certain we schedule it so that we can get two condos.

Our Prayers are always with you.

Love Mom and Dad

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