Talbot's in Chile

Talbot's in Chile

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Elder Zeballos visit

Thirteen new missionaries just arrived.  We are serving them lunch in the back yard of the mission home

 Sister Randell (center) just arrived.  Since she is from Grantsville, Mom was excited to talk to her since Margarets father (Merrill Fawson was born in Grantsvile.

 We are serving lunch for 88 missionaries etc. in Iquique.  Elder Gonzalez to the left and Elder Hortua to the right were a big help in helping serving the lunch.  Note table decorations.

 The only other couple serving in the Antofagasta Mission is Elder and Sister Lawson.  They have become good friends.  They serve the church in Iquique

Once the conference ended, the missionaries were ready for lunch.  They were anxious to eat what we had prepared.

 Mom beginning to work on cleanup.  We served lunch to all of the missionaries you see in the back.  This was a mission conference which was held with Elder Zeballos.

July 18, 2015,

Dear family,

It seems this past week was the busiest one we have had since we have been in the mission field.  It started out on Sunday with us beginning to prepare for the outgoing Elders and Sisters.  We had nineteen missionaries return to their homes on Monday.  Getting them in from their sectors, handling their luggage, providing lunch and dinner at the mission home, preparing food, doing dishes, and waiting until they finished everything at the mission home made for a very long day.  I think it was near midnight when we finally went to bed.  Unfortunately, it was a short night, as we had to be up and preparing for 13 new missionaries arriving in the field.  Also, they have the companion trainers come in to Antofagasta from their sectors to pick up the new missionaries as companions.  We were busy driving to the bus depot to pick up these missionaries and shuttle them to the mission home.  After getting them all there, we served them lunch and cleaned things up and then returned to the mission office to prepare for the next day.  We hosted the new missionaries at the office and served lunch (this time it was easy since it was Dominoes Pizza) but continued to do the things necessary to prepare for the Elder Zeballos visit.  There was a lot of things that had to be done.  In the afternoon, we began taking the Elders and Sisters to their sectors.  I had to make serval trips to the bus terminal taking elders and sisters to the bus so they could travel to their various points of assignment. Following all of that, there was to be a conference with Elder Zeballos in Antofagasta the next day (Thursday).  We worked until really late trying to clean, purchase food, clean cars and everything we could to prepare for a General Authority visit.  We finished quite late and it was another near midnight before going to bed.  With the Elder Zeballos visit, we were to be to the church at at 7:30 a.m.  and then had the conference for four hours.  Immediately following the conference we loaded the van and headed to Iquique for the conference the next day, which was  to be on Friday.   We shopped and prepared food for 88 missionaries.  We cleaned up afterwards, loaded the car and returned for a six hour ride back to Antofagasta.  We took six elders in the van along with all of the supplies we needed.  It was pretty cramped.  We arrived back in Antofagasta around 8:30 p.m. and had to unload the van and take care of a few things before going to our condo.  We were dead tired.  Fortunately, President Dalton called us this morning and told us that we did not have to go to Copiapo for that conference.  We were so relieved, as the weeks work and events was enormous.  We now can return to normality.  We did go over to the office even though it was our p-day to get everything organized for the elders to make their trip too Copiapo.
     That was our week, and it was a big one.

We hope all of you are doing well.  Since we have been gone and so busy, we have not talked to any of you this week so do not know much of what is going on.  With my computer down, I also have not been able to check the news or look at any e-mails.  We feel kind of lost as to what is going on in the world.  We are now back in Antofagasta and don't have much else scheduled for another month, so should be able to be in touch more.

We pray for you each day, and try to do so in Spanish, but I am certain he Lord knows our hearts, so whatever we say that may be wrong will be understood by our Heavenly Father.


Mom and Dad

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